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ABCD of Sustainability Development
We provide accurate and objective evaluation and consequent report analysis 
on a specific case or client issue. Sustainability makes business sense.
The preliminary stages of this consultancy process 
can be conducted via workshop, face to face or via Zoom online conference.










What on Earth do you mean? 


In the phase A ,primarily we aim to create a team and a collaborative environment with the clients with a shared understanding of the meaning  of sustainability in the context of their own business.


This is the first, imperative step in building a firm understanding of what their sustainable business looks like in the future. 


Using concepts like "The Natural Step", "waste equals food", "The Blue Economy" and "Circular Economy", we promote a whole system thinking approach and resource efficiency to continue profitably the provision of goods and services in society.

In the phase B we help organisations to conduct a gap analysis which compares the flows of resources and impacts  to what a sustainable alternative requires.


This identifies major issues that require attention, their likely implications and possible opportunities that arise from this.


This delivers a list of opportunites as well as possible challenges for the present and the future.


This process follows on from the shared understanding of sustainability that has developed.


It requires knowledge from all parts of the organisation and allows the whole group participation of the process.

Now that the organisation has a clear understanding of what it would look like if it were genuinely sustainable, we can go in the phase C.


According to scientific principles, with a clear understanding of where the organisationss in relation to that future, the business can develop strategies and actions to approach that situation in a managed and coherent way.



By carefully analysing possible actions to take, the links between the unsustainable present and the sustainable future are forged.


New opportunities are imagined, creativity is enhanced and employee participation increases.



From a list of possible

actions that can foster a path to a sustainable future, decisions are made as to which ones to pursue.


These must move the organisation in the phase D, forwards towards sustainability established practices and also make sound business sense.


Many such opportunities will become immediately apparent.


This approach fosters rock solid business model management and the imperative of ecological resilience and care.  


The  link between the unsustainable now and a sustainable future in which the company is saving resources and finances is made. 



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